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Liver Stimulant with Iron & B-Complex -

It is used in liver disorders like Hepatitis, Jaundice, Fatty degeneration, parasitic anemia, Chronic diarrhea, General weakness & Emaciation. Also as an adjuvant in liver fluke infestation in Sheep, Goats & Cattle.

A liver tonic for cattle is a valuable nutritional supplement designed to support and enhance the functioning of the liver, a vital organ in metabolic processes. These tonics are formulated with a combination of essential vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts that promote liver health. Benefits include improved digestion, enhanced nutrient absorption, and detoxification, resulting in increased feed efficiency and overall productivity. Additionally, liver tonics contribute to the prevention of hepatic disorders, ensuring optimal liver function. Cattle that receive regular supplementation with liver tonics are more likely to exhibit better growth rates, increased milk production in dairy cows, and improved resistance to diseases, ultimately fostering a healthier and more resilient livestock population.

  • Benefits:-

    • Improved Liver Function: Liver tonics contribute to enhanced liver function in cattle, ensuring optimal metabolic processes and detoxification.

    • Increased Feed Efficiency: By supporting liver health, tonics help improve the digestion and utilization of nutrients from feed, leading to increased feed efficiency.

    • Enhanced Nutrient Absorption: Liver tonics play a vital role in maximizing the absorption of essential nutrients, promoting overall health and growth in cattle.

    • Detoxification Support: These tonics aid in detoxifying the liver, helping cattle eliminate harmful substances and maintain a healthy internal environment.

    • Boosted Immune Response: A well-functioning liver is crucial for a robust immune system. Liver tonics can contribute to an improved immune response in cattle.

    • Optimized Energy Metabolism: Liver tonics assist in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, ensuring a balanced and efficient energy utilization by the cattle.

    • Prevention of Fatty Liver Syndrome: Regular use of liver tonics helps prevent conditions like fatty liver syndrome, which can negatively impact the liver's ability to function properly.

    • Reduced Risk of Metabolic Disorders: Cattle administered with liver tonics are less susceptible to metabolic disorders, promoting overall health and reducing the risk of illnesses.

    • Improved Reproductive Performance: Liver tonics can positively impact the reproductive health of cattle, supporting fertility and reducing the incidence of reproductive issues.

    • Enhanced Milk Production: Healthy liver function is closely linked to increased milk production. Liver tonics contribute to optimal liver health, positively influencing milk yield in dairy cattle.

  • Dosage :-

    For 100 birds: 50ml daily, two times a day.

    For Big Animals: 100ml daily, two times a day.

    For Small Animals: 10ml daily, two times a day.

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